Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

Wonderful evening encounter with Resident Orcas! July 11th, 2009.

The pictures above & below show the rake marks on L78, possibly love bites from a female Orca!

This was one of the best evening encounters of the season with a spectacular encounter with members of Lpod! We caught up with this group of L's just north of Andrew's Bay and the group, which included L2 and L78, were in a very playful and rambunctious mood:) There were backflips, multiple spyhops, rolling around, tail flukes, cartwheels, porpoising, and a lot of interaction during the time we observed the orcas. There were also a few surprise moments for the passengers;) The action was just non-stop and our heads were constantly on a swivel trying to keep up with all that was going on!

An amazing sunset and cloud formation welcomed us as we returned to Victoria from a breathtaking evening:)

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